Mediation , conciliation and arbitration
LEGRAND LESAGE-CATEL contributes to the promotion and implementation of alternative means of conflict resolution in order to avoid lengthy or uncertain legal proceedings, when advisable
Arbitration and mediation are a particular professional interest of Michèle Lesage-Catel, who is a member of the arbitration bodies set up by the Association des Conseils en Propriété Industrielle (ACPI) and was a beneficiary of specific training in the law of mediation delivered by the Centre de Médiation et d’Arbitrage de Paris (CMAP – Saint-Exupéry academic year).
Mediation may be enforced by court order, or take place by election. Resolution may be achieved to tight deadlines, in which case costs may be limited and outcomes more positive.
More particularly suited to mediation procedures, are disputes over the performance, making or termination of Intellectual Property contracts, or over payments to employees in consideration of their rights to copyright for inventions, including issues of unfair competition.
LEGRAND LESAGE-CATEL lawyers assist and represent parties before the Commission Nationale des Inventions de Salariés (CNIS – National Commission for Employee Inventions) and before other organs of mediation set up under dispute resolution procedures in the fields of Customs or consumer rights.