Professional Associations
Lawyers in LEGRAND LESAGE-CATEL are members of national and international associations of specialists in intellectual property law.
These associations play a major role in the dissemination of knowledge in the diverse fields pertaining to intellectual property law, in the coordination of work contributing to the preparation of new legislation at French national, EU and international level, while keeping widely in touch with expert opinion so as to provide the best advice across all fields of industrial and intellectual property law.
LEGRAND LESAGE-CATEL works with a network of correspondents across the world giving it the ability to respond to best effect to client requests..

Association des Avocats de Propriété Intellectuelle (AAPI)
AAPI, the association of attorneys specializing in intellectual property issues, is concerned with maintaining relationships with judges sitting on specialized benches, with procedural rules and the acceleration of procedures.
AAPI is consulted at all preparatory stages of law-making concerned with Intellectual Property, as also in regard to the future of the professions involved and on issues of the requisite skills and expertise, including detailed technical aspects of the imminent set-up in Paris of the Unified Patent Court.
Stéphanie Legrand, Olivier Legrand and Michèle Lesage-Catel are members of AAPI.

L’Association des Conseils en Propriété Industrielle (ACPI)
ACPI, the Association of Counsel in Intellectual Property, has a select membership of barristers specialising in Intellectual Property issues.
ACPI set up an Industrial Property arbitration procedure.
Michèle Lesage-Catel is on the list of ACPI arbitrators.

L’Association Internationale pour la Protection de la Propriété Intellectuelle (AIPPI)
Membership of AIPPI, the International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property is open to professionals in most countries of the world, notably those specialising in Intellectual Property, to Counsel and advisors in Industrial Property law, and representatives of industry and academia.
The Association makes an active contribution to approximating the laws on intellectual property and is involved in issues of their interpretation and implementation, while contributing to the drafting of international agreements.
Stéphanie Legrand, Olivier Legrand and Michèle Lesage-Catel are members of AIPPI.
L’Association des Praticiens Européens des Brevets (APEB)
APEB, the Association of European Patent Practitioners, founded in 2003, has attracted a membership of outstanding specialists in the field of patent law, among them attorneys specialising in Intellectual Property, Counsel and advisors in Industrial Property and representatives of industry.
The goal of the Association is to promote and defend the law on patents as an essential part of the entrepreneurial world and as a major contributor to human, industrial and intangible wealth, at both national, European and international levels.
The Association works closely with others in the same field to develop, harmonise and implement the law on patentable inventions.
Michèle Lesage-Catel and Olivier Legrand are members of APEB.

L’Association des Praticiens du Droit des Marques et des Modèles (APRAM)
APRAM, the French-speaking association of practitioners in the law of trademarks and models, is the most representative organization of specialists in trademarks, designs and models.
Created in 1978, APRAM is a focal point for Counsel in Intellectual Property law advising on Industrial Property, and for representatives of industry. From France, its influence extends world over.
It organises many events and wide-reaching training with a view to improving understanding of the fast evolving rules governing Intellectual Property while contributing to their dissemination..
Stéphanie Legrand is a member of APRAM.

L’European Communities Trademark Association (ECTA)
ECTA is a European association of practitioners of the law on trademarks, designs and models, domain names, copyright and issues of unfair competition.
It is open to lawyers specialising in Intellectual Property, to Counsel and advisors in Industrial Property and to corporate lawyers.
Its competency is acknowledged by the authorities and in particular by OHIM, whose privileged interlocutor it is.
ECTA participates actively in the development of European Union law and in the dissemination among its members of knowledge of the law on Intellectual Property.
Stéphanie Legrand is a member of the Council and Secretary of the ECTA Committee on Designs and Models.

L’European Patent Lawyer Association (EPLAW)
EPLAW is the association of European practitioners of patent law that actively contributes to the approximation of EU law and to the set-up of specific court procedures. It is currently working on devising and implementing the rules of the Unified Patent Court.
Michèle Lesage-Catel is a member of EPLAW.

L’Association des Anciens Elèves du Centre d’Etudes International de la Propriété Intellectuelle (AACEIPI)
According its website, “CEIPI’s ambition is to centralise in the University of Strasbourg the finest skills in the field of Intellectual Property and thereby to rise to the challenge posed by the development of a truly knowledge-based society.”
CEIPI trains specialists in France in large numbers (running to several hundred lawyers and engineers), and operates in 41 cities across Europe. In a given academic year, training is delivered to more than 2,000 Intellectual Property professionals.
CEIPI is acknowledged as one of the main university centres in Europe for the teaching of and research into Intellectual Property law.
Olivier Legrand, with CEIPI qualifications in patent law, is a member of the association of current students and alumni of CEIPI. Its purpose is to develop exchanges and cooperation, in both legal and scientific fields on issues of Intellectual Property law (patents, trademarks, models and copyright).

L’Ecole Supérieure des Sciences Economiques et Commerciales (ESSEC)
ESSEC is one of France’s largest business schools.
It delivers training to students in business law, and was ranked 3rd in the world by the Financial Times for its “Masters in Management” programme.
Olivier Legrand, trained in Intellectual Property law and a graduate of this prestigious business school, teaches this specialist field.